Saturday, January 31, 2009

Well, all is going well with the family. Nicole my oldest in now in college. She is going to Northern in the UP of Michigan. It is about as cold as Alaska. She want's to get a degree in Enviromental something. I am sure it is a good field with the economy being in such a mess now. Everyday I have a job to go to is a good day, some days I feel like I work in a slaughter house and I am waiting in line. So many people losing jobs and houses. I live a modest live style and always have, so at time like this it works well. Nick is now getting A'S in school it took him till his Senior year to get it together, all his teachers say he has really matured, now he just needs a J.O.B. And Zach is doing well. Well he is crying up from his nap, my blogging is done for a few months, UGGGGGG
We bought this costume to sell on EBAY. But we needed a model. I may save this to show Zach, when he gets married. Oh the doll on the floor, not his....Really
Nick and his son, that was adopted. The family that adopted him, keeps the kids updated and sends pictures often. I am sad I am not involved in his life, but I am so happy that he will have opportunites that other wise he would not have had. He is very loved.
Nick and Miariah. I am sure I spelled her name wrong and I am even more sure she will tell me. :)
This is Terry's Family at his Grandmothers 99th Birthday.
Zach really did love this costume.......I think.
Happy 3rd Birthday!!!!! I just love this BOY :)