Sunday, April 15, 2007

We are back. Did not go far, but we moved and had alot going on. Moved into a really nice Modular home. It is just like brand new inside and a bunch more room. Zach is now walking and continues to have the funniest faces ever, once I find the cord to the camera I will load some more pictures. Terry has a website in which he sells clothing for premature babies. It is a bit slow now, however he will be selling our own products shortly, instead of making others money selling their products. March of Dimes Update: I would like to Extend a very heartfelt Thank You to all those that gave to the March of Dimes, expecially my brother and his wife, JIM AND JONI. Thank you. Please follow the link on my Blog to see what the March of Dimes does for Premature babies. Well off to find the cord for the camera updates to come soon.