Thursday, December 07, 2006

Last weekend we went to the Rock Financial Expo center in Novi, Michigan. They had a Christmas show, which when you think about it did not have to much at all to do with Christmas. A few Christmas Trees and Carolers, and a whole bunch of vendors selling stuff. We did buy one of those personalized CD's that is sung by Elmo, which repeats the child's name, did I say repeats your child's name, over and over and over again. Anyway Santa was there and Zack was so amused by his hairy appearance he did not even look at the camera. So the shots we got are just that, Zack checking out the old Dude with a hairy face. Tomorrow we will be going to see the Doc, for a few more shots. I am a little concerned about Zack's weight. As of his one year mark we switched him to Whole Milk. Gone is the formula. He eats well on most occasions, but he is a smaller guy. We will see tomorrow what Dr. Weinberg has to say. Another thing I find curious, Zack is getting his first tooth, an incisor tooth, you know the fang tooth, and only one. In all my experience with children I have never heard of this. So if anyone reading this has, Please clue me in. I don't believe we have "vampire" in our family history. And last but not forgotten.... I would like to say HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO MY SISTER IN LAW NANCY. Your the bestest.

1 comment:

liz.mccarthy said...

OK, I haven't checked in on Zach for awhile, and the first thing I said to myself, my goodness, look how big Zach is...What is his weight now? K is only 17 pounds (and 11 months adjusted) He is so cute!!!