Zachary Glen Aden Hoffman
Born 11-21-2005 due 02-19-2006
Birth weight 2lbs 6 ounces
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Zachary is progressing nicely. The doctor said he can go off the NeoSure and on to regular formula. He is 35th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for length. He weighs in at 15 1/2 pounds and 27 1/4 inches long. He is sitting on his own, crawling, and starting to pull himself up. Look out, I'm going to have to start chasing him all over the place now. His new favorite thing is the dog's water dish. He either splashes the water or tries to drink it. Oh little boys, Jill says I'll start losing weight just chasing after him. It's probably true, because I'm doing it now.
He's babbling a lot more now also. He has said "dadda" several times now, and a few other small words that sound like words.
Anyway, here are some new pictures I took while Zach and I were waiting for mommy to wake up. Hope all is well with all the family.
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