Saturday, April 01, 2006

A preemie poem

Every time I read this I cry, it is sure to hit home with all parents who have been through the experience. As I love you thru the glass, the hours seem so slow to pass. I stroke your skin, and hold your hand; this isn't exactly what I had planned. I cast my eyes up to the sky, and say a little prayer; that the Lord will hold you in His arms, and keep you in His care.So sleep and grow my baby, and dream of clouds of foam, and I will Love you thru the glass until you can come home. AFTER SPENDING 78 DAYS IN THE NICU ZACHARY GLEN ADEN HOFFMAN FINALLY CAME HOME. Please join us to Support the cause to help others with Premature Babies visit us at:


hallegracesmama said...

Hi Jill. Glad to find your site as well! Zach seems to be doing so well at home. I think it's interesting that he and Halle both have hemangiomas. I've never read any research linking them to prematurity but I have come across MANY preemies with them. As for the feeding troubles, I'd love to chat with you and share some specifics that we've learned and resources we've found. You can email me at the address below. Good luck to you and I look forward to reading about Zach's progress!

liz.mccarthy said...

Hi Jill, I saw your comments on my blog, but didn't know your email address....mine is Take out the and put in a @.

You are on my blog right now I think!

The Ryan Family said...

Congratulations & Welcome home, Zach! how wonderful is it to have him home? my babies spent exactly 78 days in NICU, too. He's a doll and he looks like he's doing great! it was funny to me, reading about the apnea monitor, i had to really stop and think about what it was like. i thought that obnoxious beeeeeeeepppppp would be forever etched in my brain! it's amazing what you forget, evenmoreso, it's amazing how fast they grow!
i'll be checking your blog often, congrats!
kristina ryan

David Wilson said...

my third son was born with a cleft and wound up in an incubator for the first three days if his life, your post brings tears to my eyes remembering putting on a rubber glove and stroking him as he lay inside the clear plastic bubble

I used to whistle to him through my teeth - he is 24 now and I still find myself sometimes whistling that whistle when he is around

God bless you all, be well.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jill, here I am crying again. I am holding Adam as I read and type (talented, eh?) and I remember those days on the vent where just the light would make him desat and here he is in my arms sleeping and sighing in that sweet innocent way little ones do and I can't help it.
I love all the photos!
