Zachary Glen Aden Hoffman
Born 11-21-2005 due 02-19-2006
Birth weight 2lbs 6 ounces
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Zach took this picture of a picture of his GRANDMA AND GRANDPA. (my mom and dad) I took this picture enlarged it and framed it.
Nicole Big Sister and Zach.
Recent pictures, Zach is doing Great!!! A typical 3 Year old learning, getting into stuff and very comical. These pictures were taken on our adventure down the Huron River. A all day stroll thru the Chain of Lakes which leads into the Huron River. Great Fun!!! We speed thru the lakes and stroll thru the chains. I have also included some of the sites we came across, and at 45 I learned squirrels swim!!