Zachary Glen Aden Hoffman
Born 11-21-2005 due 02-19-2006
Birth weight 2lbs 6 ounces
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
If you were any part of the many many days in which Zach spent in the NICU, you will remember Terry working on a cross stitch. The project and I use this word lightly, began as a Cinderella, as we were told numerous times and have the video to prove it, that Zach was indeed a Tiffany. After the birth of Zach and the discovery that Tiffany was indeed a Zach, we changed the theme from Princess to Winnie the Pooh. Back to my explanation of the cross stitch, Terry finally finished it. It only took one year to do it. Ok, maybe the word "only" does not belong in this sentence. He promised to have it done before Zach turned 1, and this he accomplished. And here it is.
Zach's older brother Nick is determined to have Zach become the "World's Youngest Skateboarder". Zach on the other hand wants no part of it.
Happy 1st Birthday Zach!!!!!!November 21st, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
I reviewed some of the pictures we have taken recently and have found some of my favorites. Some are comical, one of them is a picture of Nicole the Big sister at 17 years old and Zach her little brother, one of them is Terry's grandma Vera who is a young 96, and some are just for fun. Pay no attention to the stains, we on occasion let Zach experiment with feeding himself and well, you know.........I hope they make you smile. I know today sucked at work and it was just what I needed.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
If you look at the nurse's fingers in the second picture you can get a idea of how small Zach was.
Zach's birthday is coming up. We just found some pictures which are added for a time of REFLECTION. Some of them are blurry.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Zach's 1st Halloween.I can honestly say, I miss when my children, Nick and Nicole were small, and I am loving it all over again. Only difference is this time I have a wonderful supportive Husband. Last night we took Zach out trick or treating, what Fun !!!!!! Not to sound like I am bragging but at every house people thought Zach was sooooo Cute and you can just see his father gloating. Dad took Zach up to most of the houses and I watched, I think this gave me the biggest kick, just watching the two of them. After trick or treating, we went to the Brighton Fire House, every year they have games, pizza and treats for the children. Just like last time I went a few years back they had run out of pizza. So we just came home and ordered a pizza. It was a perfect Halloween.Today we had a meeting with Nick's teachers. They are so impressed with his improvement from the last few years, and we can not be more proud of him. Nick struggles every day with his schooling due to having ADHD.Nick also was a premature baby, however his coarse was not as bumpy as Zach's. He did have a touch and go with a minor operation and stopped breathing then was air flown to University of Michigan and spend a week on the vent, this after being born at 34 weeks. They say ADHD can be a result of being premature, we can deal with this, much worst could of happened and I thank god it didn't.