Some long overdue updates!
Here are some new pictures as well. The first one is of Zach and his new activity gym. He likes it sometimes, and other times, he hates it. Just depends on his mood at the moment. (Yes he has a temper). And the other four are with Zach and the process of getting him ready to go outside in the cold. Which we don't like doing now, with it now being RSV season.
Zachary has a birthday coming up, he will 1 years old. Wow, where has the time went. I remember when Jill and I brought Zachary home, I was so scared to take care of this little man who had wires hooked up to him and a tube down his nose. Afterall, the NICU took care of him for 3 months, and now it was our turn. Well, I am so happy to be able to stay home with him, because he brightens my day. All he has to do is smile, and he does that a lot.
Anyhow, he is almost 11 months old (8 months adjusted), and he can sit up on his own, crawl, stand with support (on one of us, or on his own by holding on to something), and he has also started to shuffle along the couch standing up. It won't be long now until he will be walking. (That's when the fun starts for me). But what baffles me, is he still has no teeth. Hopefully they will come soon. He says da-da, na-na (which I take to be ma-ma), and a few other distinguishing babbles. The doctor's at St. Joseph say he is progressing nicely. We had an 8 month (adjusted) developmental clinic appointment on Saturday October 7th. And the developmental nurse told us he is doing great. She said he is actually ahead developmentally by a little over a month. Jill and I were happy to hear this. The only thing is, he is a little underweight. He should be around 18 pounds, but he only weighs around 16 pounds. So we had to bulk up his formula to 24 calories instead of 22 calories. Normal formula is 20 calories, so you can see, he needs to put some lbs. on. I thought he was heavy as it is, but then again, he does get heavy when I carry him and his carseat around. I thinkhe has gained a little since the clinic, because of the increased calorie intake. We also got him some fast flow nipples which seem to help (he doesn't suck as hard now and get tired out.) We'll see when he goes in for his flu vaccine this Saturday. Next month he gets 4 or 5 shots, he's not going to be a happy camper that day.
The following day on Sunday, we went to the NICU annual reunion. It was their 4th annual, but the first for Zachary. We saw some parents and their children that were there when Zach was in the hospital for those 78 days. We also saw a couple of Zach's Neonatologist doctors, including Dr. Ivacko, who was there in the delivery room to help deliver him. And we saw some of the nurses and RT's who helped keep Zach alive during his trying and troubling times in the NICU. Zach seemed to like the bubble machine, once he got used to it, and he crawled around on the floor with a little girl who will remain nameless (actually we don't know her name). All in all it was a good time. And then our journey took us back to the NICU where Zach was for 78 days, not actually the same NICU, they moved since we were there, but it still keeps the same nurses there. We saw some nurses that weren't at the reunion, and they were happy to see Zach. What a busy day, the same day Zach got his new activity gym. What a lucky little man, but he is ours and I wouldn't give him up for anything!!!!!!!!!!
And the last piece of information I have for you all, is Zach's baptism. He was baptized, Sunday, September 24, 2006 at St. Patrick's church in Brighton, by Father Karl Pung, in front of the whole congregation. Wow, that was awesome. When the whole congregation clapped and welcomed Zachary to the fellowship, I welled up a little with tears. It was a great feeling. Besides Zach, Jill and myself, Zach's older brother Nick, Zach's Godmother Denene, and her youngest daughter Sara were there. I would say it was an experience I will never forget. I'm just sorry that Zachary will not remember it.
Well, I guess that's all for now. As we speek, Zachary is crawling around back and forth and saying da-da, da-da, da-da, so I better put the pen down. Thank-you to everyone who reads our blog about our precious little man Zachary, and thank-you for leaving a comment, Jill and I love to hear your thoughts.