Well, It has been 3 days now that I have been home alone with Zachary, and I still love every minute of it. I am a stay-at-home dad, and Zach is a joy to be with, except when he is crying, but usually that can be fixed by the diaper change or food, or playing with him, and of course, HOLDING HIM.
He's up to 4 ounces a day now, and sometimes he spits about 1/2 an ounce up, but very rarely now-a-days. No matter how much he cries, when he flashes me a winning smile, it makes my heart melt. I know this might sound stupid but it makes me tear up a little talking about this, because I am so happy to be able to see him smile, what with all he has endured. I'm just so happy to have him here and healthy.
He also likes to grace us with the pouty lip whenever he cries. It is so cute. Jill and I just both go "augh" because he does it so convincingly. I swear he knows what he is doing when he does it. I have a picture posted like this, but it is no where near his pouty lip potential.
Well Zach is pretty much on a regular schedule now. He wakes up at 6:30-7:00 am, eats, stays awake until mom goes to work, falls asleep until around 10am, then gets up and zach and I play or he's in his bouncy chair. Takes another nap around 1 pm, wakes up around 2:30 or 3pm, waits for mommy to get home, then goes to sleep 1/2 hour after she gets home. (He knows when she gets home, because he makes sure he's awake). he usually gets cranky around 6 pm and we feed him some cereal (yes the doctor said this was O.K.), We then give him a bath, and he calms down for his bath. He just loves his bath, imagine that. We play with hime for a couple of hours and then he's ready for bed. He goes to bed around 8:30-9:30 and usually stays asleep until around 3am, for his feeding and then goes to sleep again until 6:30 am. That is Zach's routine now, and of course, I feed him more than I wrote in this.
I talked with one of Zach's favorite nurses today, she's one of our favorite nurses as well. Linda was pleased to hear from us. She wasn't there when we left the hospital after the 78 day roller coaster ride. She was thrilled to hear Zach is doing so good, and plans on going to this blog to see his progress. She gave Zachary a very soft bear and a very nice brush and comb set. He loves them both, well maybe when he gets older.
So, Zachary looks forward to his walks with his mom and dad, ok so Jill and I and the dog (Alex) look forward to them, he usually sleeps when we take him for a stroll around the block, but the fresh air is good for him and the threat of RSV is no longer active, so we are happier taking him out. We look forward to walking with him in the Walk of America the weekend of the 30th. Well I have to go, Zachary is calling me:)